What is Self-Love?
From an early age we are being taught to be ‘nice’ to others, to be helpful, to mind people’s feelings. So from the time we are children we are trained to put others’ needs before our own. And it is great to be kind and considerate but in all of this we forget that we need to include being kind and considerate to ourselves too!
There is a wide spread belief that loving yourself is selfish. Nothing further from the truth! How can you really love others if you don’t love yourself? How can you accept people as they are if you don’t accept yourself? How can you build healthy relationships if you don’t even have a relationship with the person you spend every minute of every day with – you?
You know the announcement they have before each flight about safety measures in case of emergency – put your own oxygen mask first and help others after. Why? Because you cannot help anyone if you’re gasping for air! The same applies to love and acceptance – you need to love and value yourself before you can love and value others. Otherwise relationships you form are based on a need for someone to fill a void that you have within yourself, not on a connection you have with another human being – it’s more like a contract with many expectations which your partner / friend / child is unable to fill and results in stress, disappointment and drama.
Loving yourself also helps you live a life accordingly to who you truly are – you choose situations, experiences, jobs, relationships that are in tune with your preferences, passions, needs and boundaries. You are confident to say YES when something feels right and NO when it doesn’t. You walk your life path mindfully and with no regrets.
I have walked a path of pleasing others for years and for years I couldn’t understand why I’m not happy, why my relationships fail, why my jobs feel unsatisfying. Inner work through various workshops, courses and therapy helped – I understood my beliefs and thought patterns but something was still missing. So from the tools I’ve gathered over the course of my life I developed this programme for myself to get connected with who I am and learn to appreciate and value myself more. And now I’m sharing it with you!
What is the 30 Days to Self-Love Challenge?
It is a programme I developed to connect to who you really are and help you learn to value, appreciate and love yourself more.
Why is it called a challenge? Because it will touch the parts of you that have long been neglected, ask uncomfortable questions and release, release and release!
Don’t worry, it’s not all work and no play – self-love also means being gentle with yourself and having fun! It’s a deep inner work on many levels that will translate into changing your life view and living more consciously and falling in love – with yourself!
Programme will take place over 30 days and includes:
daily inspirational quote
daily videos explaining the topic of the day.
daily tasks (writing, reflection, creative, meditation and more).
optional inspiring videos
access to private Facebook Group to share your progress
group motivation and support
weekly live Q&A calls on Facebook Group
lifetime access to all videos
tools that you will use for life
What will you gain by participating?
You will:
learn habits that last a lifetime
release blockages towards self-love
overcome resistance
change perception about yourself and the world
connect with your emotions
create new relationship with yourself
learn to be in the flow of life
shift to living in joy and peace
fall in love with yourself!
Daily tasks don’t require previous knowledge or any special skills and will take between 30-60 minutes or your time. You will need: post-its, notebook, paper and pencils / coloured pencil or markers.